Becoming/Unstuck tells the stories of internal paradigm shifts. Unsticking from old paradigms is the work of Becoming, or setting ourselves free. The process of Becoming Unstuck is individual, but universal. Everyone has their own story to tell, and this show is the table around which we gather together to share and listen. Here we illuminate that Becoming Unstuck is both journey and destination, process and result, the way Home and Home itself. These stories help us understand that the process of Becoming Unstuck isn't formulaic. It isn't neat and clean. You can't learn it from a book. You have to be willing to get dirty. This kind of education is embodied. It is dynamic and vibrant and messy. This show isn't one in which we cover up that mess because that mess is life, and what we are here to do is learn to live it.
Systems, People, Power, Love with Steph Hung
Content warning for this episode: Sexual Assault
Steph was in a tiny apartment with other people when she recorded, and there is some audio interference that I am not skilled enough to edit out. It's relatively short, and I apologize. The content will make up for it, I promise.
The two times Steph and I have been in person together, we have connected with such heart, around really big concepts. Steph talks about Radical Imagination in the last part of her interview, and that's what I feel when I'm around her. I feel possibility, I feel excitement, I feel power between us - like we both know limitlessness, and we can feel it in the other, and there's no telling how far we could go.
We both also see something that is invisible to a lot of people, and was once invisible to us, and it's our true love and calling to steward, and caretake others in the unveiling. This episode is a journey of understanding into that True Love, and into True Power - and how they might just be the same thing.
In this episode, Step shares her journey from writing papers in Middle School to alert adults about climate change, to working in politics, to becoming a scientist, to understanding power not as an entity, but as a cultural phenomena that exists everywhere as part of a system. Join us and hear her story of becoming unstuck around power, and how she realized where true power lies: In the People.